21st May to 31st May 1945 Monday 21st Up about 9. Pottered around and then played with woolly boys. Down for a hot over hill with Georgie. Then down to Grannies and met the others there. Stayed till one and then bad lunch at the Castle Café – ham etc. A walk round castle and then home for afternoon – puttered around in garden a little bit working lawn etc. After tea all went down to pictures to see ‘Cowboy and the Lady’ – quite amazing. Then read etc. Tuesday 22nd Up about 9. Mummy and I went down to talk over possibilities of having a car with Mrs. Watkins and we want one within next year or so. Then did a spot of gardening and generally wasted time. In afternoon gardened – did quite a bit of tidying and planted some viola’s out. Then after tea read and Mrs. Clam came up and gossiped. Not a bad day but thunder about. Read. Not seen much of Days this weekend. Must write to Lucy soon I suppose and one or two other letters. Wednesday 23rd A travelling day again – the long end doesn’t seem to have been very long now – Lovey morning and mooched around garden with N’ and pussies. Then mummy came up and saw me off on 11.24. daddy not down in time for it. Then spent restless hour with train being as late as possible – hoping to catch London one. Just made it. Read quite a bit of way and slept a bit. Pouring and thundering at Reading – got a train to Wok and luckily just escaped the rain which cleared before I had to cycle. Met Auntie and Uncle going in to the pictures. D up to her lecture in town so won’t see her till tomorrow. Did spot of work. Mummy phoned. Daddy having a bee demonstration up at home this evening – hope it kept clear for them. Thursday 24th Up on 8.10 as didn’t want to risk loosing another lecture. Three hours lectures – one a seminar in which we discussed the coming general election. Think I will be liberal – temporally anyway. Lunch in college – then had an afternoon of wandering – library – down to West End to get tickets for all of us to go to ‘Love in Idleness’ as a celebration. Worked in college a bit – then down on 5.54 with D. Read. Mucked about rest of evening – cleaned some shoes etc. Friday 25th Up on 7.32 – Have loath to leave u bed this morning. Read. In nice time for lecture – after that got our the hey for our questionnaire on students health and finances – quite interesting Two more lectures – then lunch with C. and Twery as D. went down early. There is just a chance I may be able to do this with them rest year at Pimpley – how wonderful that would be, do hope it is possible. Down on 2.24 – afraid slept most of time. Did some copying out of notes and reading. Drunnies came round for the evening and we played cards and generally made rude remarks. Saturday 26th Slept fairly late and down about 9. Had a bath – gossiped a bit – then did some work – grandwork for an essay. Early lunch and on to the pictures. Saw ‘Lady lets dance’ again and a Sexton Blake film – quite exciting that. Tea at B. R. Wrote home during evening – when as usual Brian came home with us and we had the normal gay to rude time – though a little down after last night. Sunday 27th Up about 9.30. Breakfast – then church with Auntie Win, the others stayed in to work. A very good sermon on just the subject we have been arguing about lately – of this extraordinary post war despondency which seems to have got hold of so many people . Back in time to do a little work. A late lunch – then wrote to Lucy. Semendine came to tea bringing one of his patients whom he want Auntie Win to have here for a fortnight – she certainly wants bringing out a bit! After they’d gone we took Kim for a walk, and Auntie Win was letting us quite a melodramatic incident of her youth. Brian as usual came for evening – none very hungry so had a crap supper, then talked and listened to wireless. A bit more of Aunties and Uncles ‘smutty past’. Monday 28th N’s Birthday. Up with D. on 8.40. Talked most of the time. Had a coffee. Then rang up Rosemary – should have done so ages ago – and arranged to have lunch with her and Auntie Madeleine on Friday. Then did an hours work – went for a psychology lecture but as usual Mace was lazy, and actually didn’t give a lecture at all. Then had an early lunch with C. & D. – D. caught 1.24 and we went round to library. Bought a bit of sweet nation – then back into college for a lecture. Magazine with our article in it supposed to be on sale today – but didn’t appear. Dashed for 3.24 and made it nicely – tried to read, but went off to sleep – one of these days when I just waste time. Worked, talked and listened to wireless. Letter from N’. Tuesday 29th Up on 8.40. Went to sleep. Met C. and we three had coffee – then bought some file paper. Up to college to work. Two hours lectures. Then lunch with the others. Went for my stocking but it wasn’t ready. Both caught 2.24 – read a bit – but slept again. Disgusting. Through to Reading to get Auntie some sausages for supper, only takes ¾ of an hour longer. Back to tea and work. D. went out to pictures later with Brian. Listened to wireless. Had a bath and bed fairly early – soon after 10. Trying to finish an essay – ought to be given in on Thursday but wont be. Wednesday 30th Not up till 8.Did some work before breakfast and getting 10.10. Read going up – changed at Richmond and went to Chiswick by bus this time – much quicker. Got there in nice time for boating and had quite a nice time – once out on the river I really enjoy that boating – though not particularly good at it – bad on the timing. Weighed myself – still 9.9. C and I had lunch at Lyons at Hammersmith – quite good – then on to St. James Theatre and met D. in the gallery queue. Saw ‘Wind of Heaven’ a play about reincarnation of Our Lord – and very well attempted. D. stayed up to go to her lecture while I came down on the 5.54 – got letter home written – then read. Worked a bit in evening. Letter from Mummy. Thursday 31st Up on 8.10. Inter. Started today and hordes of fresher moving around feeling the strain – saw Janet and Rosemary and they didn’t seem too bad. Had three hours lectures. Then lunch at B. R. – salad and ice cream with D.D., and Twerpy. Then caught 2.24 and tried to read, but as usual half asleep. In about 4 and after tea did some of essay. By bed time had written out more than half of it in neat – should very soon finish it tomorrow or Saturday morning. Listened to wireless – Henry IV. Being done in episodes with Old Vic Co. – then bed soon after 10.
11th May to 20th May 1945 Friday 11th 6 hours sleep last night – so hardly felt we’d had any sleep for days when unearthed at 6.30. Slept and read on train. Then had a lecture. Up to Winifred’s room to plan an essays – only got to write it now! Two more hours lectures, all out of doors. Then a sandwich lunch with 2 of dept. – supposed to be a discussion, but nobody else appeared. Marvellously hot – and just doped in train. No more work – just couldn’t. Helped Odette dag the pond., ready for swimming in. Its got very dirty in the last week or so. Then early to bed – D. also for once! They have Uncle’s and Aunt staying her for the weekend. Letter from Betty. Saturday 12th Had a really long night – and up about 9. Breakfast in dressing gowns and then a bath. Letter from Mummy and also Lucy – who as usual has her leave just before my visit to Ludlow. This is getting monotonous! Worked – finished an essay – and after lunch – as weather is now boiling – Odette and I spent the afternoon in the pond – simply wonderful. D. couldn’t swim today so went to the pictures with Brian. Wrote to Phil – who seems to have disappeared again – and then into water again. D. and B. back and watched us for a bit. Then supper an d just sat and talked. Quite weary – with all our swimming! Sunday 13th Up about 9. After a long breakfast caught 11.10 up to town and met Janet to go to Joan Fuller’s. Sorry I was going in a way – as I wanted to go to church with the rest for the national day of prayers. But had a very nice day there with usual super food. A short walk in the afternoon. Then back on the 7.30 – reading most of the way Just in time to hear Churchills speech. Had supper and played cards rest of evening. Monday 14th Up on 8.40. Uncle Bert – staying here for weekend with us. Coffee with D. Then round to Winnifred’s room and got half essay written out – quite pleased with ourselves. Had a lecture – then lunch in college with Christine etc. – D. caught 1.24. Wrote home and sat in common room with C. till 2. Twerpy pottering around. Another lecture. Then just in time for 3.24 – leapt on to the back of the train by the skin of my teeth – and had to change to our front portion at Richmond. Rest of day very peaceful – reading and listening to wireless. Letter from Daddy. Tuesday 15th Up on 8.40. Read and slept. A lecture at 10 – and extra – actually two condensed into one. Then two more and felt pretty weary by end of it. College lunch, then down Baker St. to get sweets and take stocking to repair shop. Then back to write some more of essay with Winnifred. Nearly finished it but she had a seminar and then committee meeting – so will have to finish tomorrow. Went up to library for an hours reading with the others. D. left for the pictures with Brian. Then stayed for a political soc. Lecture on the Conservative party – with C. and Mary M. I am beginning to wonder what will happen to the next year. Would rather go back to Aunties and be with C. if she would still like to be with her, than be all alone. Read and slept on 6.34. In just before the others who were at the pictures. Read. Thursday 16th Nice peaceful morning – getting up at 8 and gossiping till time to catch 10.10 and go to Chiswick for boating. Had quite a nice time with Christine and one other girl to core – almost restful! Weight ourselves and I am now 9.10 only – hope I keep up the going down. Then C and I had bit of rest and lunch – salad and ice cream – and then round to Winifred’s room to finish our essay at last. Had a lecture at 3 from Rooff – the last of the series thank goodness so no more on Wednesdays. Caught 4.24 – started to read – but dropped straight off to sleep – then of course – after being late in the morning when I needed to hurry it was in W. at 5.30. Nice long evening when as usual I seemed to muck about. Started draining the pond again as the water has gone off badly. Early to bed after and bit of reading. Thursday 17th Up on 8.40 and just because had a 10 lecture it was so late I had to miss it. Had coffee – then in for seminar. Read our paper – Mrs. Wootlon seemed to think it wandered a bit – though personally I think it was a brilliant effort! One more lecture – then collage lunch. Then down Baker Street to library etc. and bought a book. Down to Dobis shop – Oxford Street to see if any handmade and hence coupon – free sandals for sale – sold out as we’ll perhaps go tomorrow. Down on 3.24. Couldn’t keep awake. Semeshini here again and we half agreed that I’d try to get him to college and speak. Copied out notes sitting in garden rest of day. Miss Taylor own hairdresser came to supper. Kim very obstreperous and joined on some notes of Joan Rawhinson’s – was I mad! Jean Taylor the person who does our hair in Wok. – came for supper. Odette and I finished emptying the pond. Friday 18th Up on 7.32 and a lecture at 9. Down in to West End shoeing – but no luck. Two more lectures then lunch with D. at college and she saw me off on the 2.10. Most of day travelling after that – slept and read quite a bit. Then home about 8. Lucy on her last day of leave – so actually saw her at last – and we had a good old chin-wag. Wish she could have stayed over the weekend. Saturday 19th Up about 9. Pottered about and then down to coffee. Pat home so had it with her – also Twerpy – and Vergy Wood – used to go to High School and married now – lucky wretch. Tried on things in the shop – and got a new pink blouse with tie neck to take place of a cream one which has dropped to pieces. Went down with N’ n afternoon and had have timed a set. Went with Twerpy to a talk of the Bishop’s to some youth conference. Then home for a large tea and quiet evening doing nothing much. Georgie down too. Sunday 20th Up in time for 8 o’clock communion – Daddy and I went – church not very full and Sara spent a good 10 minutes mopping up the remains of the wine afterwards. Too wet to go to church later in the morning as we only had one mac between us. So Daddy and I went to see granny – and before that fooled on the piano. In afternoon went to see Snows, stayed in and talked as too wet to go over hill. Went down on Mummies bike. After tea N’ and Mummy and I went down to shop and tried on clothes at our leisure. Then also booked for the red bag which Mummy is afraid has been stolen from shop – couldn’t find it. Home, had supper and pottered around rest of evening – reading, talking etc. Too wet to garden or do anything much.
1st May to 10th May 1945 Tuesday 1st May Up on 8.40. Played at reading! Spent an hour in Baker Street as did not feel like work – had coffee and then wandered into the music shop. Two hours lectures then college lunch and then round to Paddington to meet Mummy! Wonderful. Then D. had to catch her train. C. went back to college to work, and then Mummy and I went to the Shand and settled ourselves in. Had tea and Mrs. Sunderland joined us. Went to Palladium to see Tommy Trinder, just as good as D. said it was. Dinner at R.P. – Mummy left her gloves at table and blinking waitress must have pinched them because they were not there when we got back. Phoned Daddy and then bed. Wednesday 2nd May Day off. Nice late breakfast and we three spent morning going round various firms. Christine joined us at D. H. Evans for lunch. Walked up to Grosvenor House and went to a Simpson show there – but Mummy was allowed to order very little. Went to Strand and met Auntie Win and Diana for a beautifully gooey tea of cakes. Then walked round with us to the Hippodrome and we went to Ivor Novello’s ‘Perchance to Dream’ – certainly a lovely dream piece – some sweet music. A stupid headache so straight to bed when we got in. Thursday 3rd May Had three hours lectures and then met Mummy and Mrs. S and the girls and had lunch at D. H. Evans again. Round to some more firms and then back to hotel for tea as pouring with rain. Mummy got some sweet suede shoes for herself. Then a taxi round to Westminster theatre, met D. and C. there and saw ‘Yellow Sands’ very good though started stickily. Sandwiches in the lounge at stand and fairly late to bed Mummy bought me a canvas weekend bag – very light and useful. Friday 4th May Up early though not compared with usual Friday and had 9 o’clock lecture looked in at Baker street underground for Mummy and Mrs. S. but they were queuing for shoes and didn’t appear. Got some lovely ones though. Mooched in library – then into common room. Christine came in and told me D. hadn’t come up. A lecture, then cut Lithics and had lunch with Mummy and Mrs. S. at Coles – a super little restaurant in the Marylebone Road – great improvement on the big impersonal places. Went to Selincounts and found some very nice blouses – linen in all sorts of colours. Then slowly round to Paddington and left them at the platform and came down on 3.54 from Waterloo as didn’t want then to leave me alone at Paddington station. Read paper and slept. Then met Odette on way home from school and we cycled together. D. had a bilious attack – and has gone to pictures with Brian this Brian in Reading this evening. Then spent evening messing about and listening to the wireless. Letter from Georgie. One from Joan Fuller in the weak – writing Janet and myself down there a week on Sunday. Saturday 5th May Latish breakfast and gossiped. Auntie and Uncle down at Salisbury for the weekend as quite a small household. Spent bit of morning cleaning shoes etc – then worked. Bought piano selection from ‘Perchance to Dream’ all fiddling around with this. Early lunch and cycled into Wok. to meet Brian and go to films – ‘Mask of Dimitrios’. Exciting but bit gruesome – particularly after the terrible pictures of the internment camps in Germany – which they showed on the news. Had tea at B. R. and then as pouring rain had cleaned a bit – looked in at a fair which is in Wok. Pretty poor as things wouldn’t work properly through lack of electricity. Then home usual evening – thought fairly quiet and read some of the time. Listened to wireless. Wrote to Joan Fuller thanking her for her letter and accepting her invite to go there next Sunday. Sunday 6th May Up about 9 after a bit of reading fiction. Then long breakfast. Wrote home and did spot of work. Went to sleep and ashamed to say after doing a bit of reading in the afternoon. Went down to post with Odette. A walk around the Ridges and then quiet rest of evening. VE Day expected before Thursday. Weather warming up a bit now. Monday 7th Much hotter today. Up to town on 8.40 as usual – read a bit. Had coffee at Lesleys and then went up to Winifred’s room and got out plan for an essay. Pottered around after books then a lecture. Had college lunch and then a stroll. One more lecture and up to library to work with the others. C. went at 4 and we had tea in the common room. Everyone on tender hooks for the announcement of VE day. Flags out in Baker Street and general air of tension – though nobody as absurdly excited as you might expect – it has all come so gradually. Round to library and then back to collage to a lecture on the San Francisco conference. Not bad – but I didn’t learn much from it I am afraid. Caught 6.34 – read a bit – then went to sleep it was so hot. When we got in they told us it was all over – announced the days of celebration for tomorrow and Wednesday – and then told us to be quiet because they were listening to Monday night at 8. And that’s the sort of way we all seemed to perceive it . Auntie and Uncle brought D. back an emerald greed wool dress and a sun suit – all quite new – from the friend she had the wuffy off. A short walk – and bed fairly late. Finished writing to Georgie. Tuesday 8th VE day. Spent it fairly quietly actually, down her. Thought of going up to town actually at one point to join the crowds, but it would have been rather silly and I expect there will still be celebrations where we go up on Thursday. Worked during the morning at an essay. Then we all went to the pictures in the afternoon and back to the thanksgiving – the village church. Supper and stayed up playing games etc. till just after 12 in order to hear the official announcement that hostilities have actually ceased. Mr. Churchill and the King spoke during the day. Wednesday 9th VE Day + 1. Another holiday. Again worked in the morning and then after lunch Odette and I took the bus round to Druries – Diana cycling. Mucked around and had tea there – then rest of family came in the car. Had a smashing chicken and ham supper and drank to victory in Benedictine – a super drink – supposed to be very potent – but I’m same – I could have swalled several more glasses with ease! Played cards and got the effect of a regular gambling clan – with cigarettes drinks around the room, and Brian in short sleeves. All came back at midnight in the car. Thursday 10th College again – everyone been joining the palace crowds etc for last two days London still very gay – and full of flags. Risked 8.40 – and got in in nice time for my lecture. Then had three hours of it – though talked over victory for some of the time, and then dinner in college. An ice cream in the B.R. and down to Oxford Street with Twerpy to get her a new costume. Then back to college and lay in grounds doing a bit of work. Worked while the others had a lecture and then met d and we spent the evening prowling round town crowds still outside the palace yelling for the King. Had supper at Piccadilly Corner House, and then down to Waterloo and met Brian for 9.24. Wrote home. Letter from N’ and Mummy and also parcel.
21st April to 30th April 1945 Sunday 22nd Up about 9. Breakfast in dressing gown and then a bath. Then wrote home. A friend of D’s came, and we played tennis all rest of morning and again in afternoon. Pond being filled and tried to rig up some tarpaulins to cover it, but unable to arrange them easily so will have to scrape bits of some other way. Just messed around for rest of day. Very sunny but getting colder. Monday 23rd A miserable and worrying day – but with a perfect ending. The auction of the shop property and Mommy and Daddy rang me up about 7 to tell me the result – we got it for £3300 – just over half what Daddy expected to pay! Oh, I was so thankful. Poor Nana has a bad cold, so they tell me, and Lucy still on leave. Usual day of lectures and bit of work. Missed 3.24 and wrote to Georgie while waiting for next one. Couldn’t work much after that because of worrying. Tuesday 24th Letter from Mummy. Up on 8.40 with D. – had to change carriages at Ascot and got in with some very nice-looking young officer cadets – wish we know people like them – they’d be such good fun. Wondered around Baker Street a bit before our lecture – having coffee etc – then two hours lectures. College lunch and the others walked to underground with me as they were staying to do some work. Made more notes for Thursday seminar and then went asleep. Went to pictures to see ‘Mrs. Parkington’ with the rest of ‘Pye Hill’ family. Didn’t do any more work. I am staying down all tomorrow to finish and essay! Must start another one. Back and then bed. Wednesday 25th Didn’t go up to town, but worked or sat with books before me, all day. Got up soon after usual time and finished that philosophy essay during the morning. Sat in garden during afternoon as quite warm and did about 2/3 of another essay – should finish it by the end of the week. D stayed down till evening and then wet up to a lecture of some peculiar society to which her Aunt and Uncle belong – it sounds very interesting and I hope I shall be able to go with her later. Started letter home. Thursday 26th Wet today. An 8.10 morning and read some of time. Three hours of lectures then collage lunch. After that went around trying to book for theatre – couldn’t do ‘Love in Idleness’ but got for ‘Perchance to Dream’ and ‘Happy and Glorious’. Wrote one or two letters and then D and I caught the 5.54 – talked all the way down. My cycle seat has been sliding off ever since I raised it, and so we had to take it all to pieces and put it together again. Mummy had phoned up to say Daddy won’t come next week – Joan Sunderland is coming again instead – afraid Daddy won’t come because of sleeping in the same room – I am so sorry. Parcel from home, with shoes from Canada in it – sweet navy ones – with tabs, open toes and Cuban heels. Then some knitted lace stockings and ointment and handkerchiefs. Bed. Friday 27th Early day. Read part of way in train. Then had lecture – gave in essay. Went up to Winifred’s room to discuss our essay and decide what to read. Two more lectures. D went down early. Lunch with Christine – tried to get tickets for Auntie Win to come to Perchance to Dream – but finishes too late for her. Booked ‘rest of sweet nation’, then down on 2.24. Read – but mostly slept. Then mucked about for rest of day – a friend of the H’s – Miss Love came for the weekend. Fairly late to bed. Saturday 28th Up about 9. Had bath and washed hair – then D set it. Twerpy is 20 today – fearful, isn’t it? We sent her a birthday card yesterday. Finished an essay. After lunch had awful tummy ache – so didn’t go into Wok with others but made self-comfortable by the fire with Kim and book. D going around to Daisies for the evening. Spent a quiet evening reading and listening to wireless. Sunday 29th Snoozing yesterday and today. Letter from Mummy yesterday – also she rang up – forgot to say so last night – I am able to stay at Strats but Daddy definitely not coming – as says he’d rather I was able to stay up in town. Copied out an essay all morning and nothing eventful rest of the day except going down to post in red wuffy with D in her blue one, and Odette in my whitish one – quite effective! Brian came for usual Sunday evening. Read. Monday 30th Horribly cold again – snow and frost and we foolishly wet without stockings – froze. Couldn’t read on the train but worked in common room after having coffee in Baker Street with D. A pay lecture – lunch in college – D got 1.24, sat in with C. and Mary Mercer till 2. Wrote a letter to Betty Booton. Lecture and then worked coming down on 3.54. Worked and listened to wireless all rest of day. Then packed case and bed.
11th April to 20th April 1945 Wednesday 11th Down to really see the Bishop today. Wore my black coat – felt quite good in it. Janet and the Snows also came to see the Bishop – he is very sweet and most friendly – broad minded enough for me to really approve of him. Had a quick coffee afterwards and then pottered around. Spent afternoon rigging up tennis court – Snows came to help – and rosemary and her mother came. Went over hill with Rosemary and then Miss Collett came up for some music. Read in bed and had supper. Thursday 12th Called for Rosemary and had coffee with her, Georgie and Mummy. Helped in shop for a bit as Miss Haynes putting a window in. Went a ride round Stanton Lacy with Georgie and Janet – found some more primroses. Then read a bit and Snows and Janet came up to play tennis. Not quite so bad as when we started last year. Mr. & Mrs. Day go to see Lucy today, so said goodbye to them as won’t see them before next vacation. Read before going to bed – can keep awake more easily them. Friday 13th Did a bit of gardening and then went down to coffee with Rosemary. Didn’t stay very long as wanted to be back to make chips for dinner – so came up on Mummies bike. Then spent afternoon gardening and had early tea. Caught 4.55 with Snows etc. to see those amateur dramatic plays in Shrewsbury. There were some spare seats at cheap rates so we thought we may as well go. The Ludlow one was by far the best again. Came back on the last train which was held back for us. Saturday 14th Did a bit of gardening but began to rain. Coffee with Snows then with Rosemary and her father. When I went into shop, Mummy had a wonderful paisly linen suit for me, the loveliest thing I ever had for summer. Then had tea at De Greys and to pictures – had to queue. Snows were supposed to come but Georgie had to have her hair done and was too late to get in. Had a bath and read. Sunday 15th Up in time to go to church as usual now thoroughly enjoyed it without any effort. Then went to see Granny with Daddy. Beautifully hot today. A walk with Snows in afternoon – right over hill – Jim Davidson here for the weekend and came with us – the poor dear lost his brother a fortnight ago – and is very upset over it I think. Did a bit of gardening – then the Snows came for some tennis which I must admit we played rather lazily. Read. Monday 16th Still beautifully hot – do hope it will stay like this. Down to coffee and did various odd jobs. Tverpy came – still prattling of the Bishop. Did a bit of gardening and ironed a blouse. Down to have a tooth session with Mr. Lloyd -whole illness has done nothing to impair his vocal chords – and then had tea at De Greys with Snows and Janet. Home with Mummy to do some more ironing – up to cemetery to take some lilac with Nan and Mummy and then some more gardening. A card from D. telling bus times – Jim Carson has been staying the weekend. Tuesday 17th Up about 9. Wandered around doing various oddments – then along to coffee with gang and Mummy. Finished buying oddments and went to see Joyce. Gardened a bit and then wrote to Joan Fuller. Gardened a bit more and then PACKED, two new suitcases which seems to hold rather less than the others – and are rather heavier – oh boy! FUN & GAMES! Wednesday 18th Back to Pye Hill today. Days and Lucy were supposed to come last night so called this morning – but could make nobody hear. Went on 11.24 with all family to see me off. Nan came to Hereford and spend day with Mrs. Keddy. Just made the train and then a quiet journey reading and sleeping to Reading. Had to wait an hour for the bus in boiling sun – but that dropped me at bottom of hill and D met me there. Quiet evening chattering and doing nothing. The American cousin sounds great fun. Mummy rang up. Thursday 19th Up to collage on 8.10 - and three-hours lectures. Lunch in park of sandwiches and then collected polyfotos – not very good though slightly better than Daddy’s. Rona Ginton got engaged during last vacation – very nice to be her! Came down on 3.24. Read and bed. Spent most of evening getting hosepipes rigged up to drain the pond. Collected repaired stockings. Friday 20th Up on 7.32 and ashamed to say both went to sleep all the way. 9o’clock lecture and then an hour break very profitably passed looking up a speech of Mr. Churchills on democracy for next Thursday. Then two hours more lectures. Mrs. Williams is back. Had one out on the lawn – but too hot to think there. Then sandwiches under the trees with D and C and then round to B. R. for a very good ice. Down on 2.24, hot and uncomfortable. Bus a pleasant rest of the day cleaning out the pond with Odette and her friend. Got It good as a swimming pool. Back and bed. D out all day – going to see her Auntie in London and then to Daises to supper.
1st April to 10th April 1945 Sunday 1st All went to communion at 8 o’clock. Church very full. Quite cold today, horribly bleak. Went walk with Mummy and Daddy and then to see Granny. Out again with Snows in the afternoon. Played piano and read and then Days came – Lucy getting better now. N gave £3 for Easter Egg! Monday 2nd Pottered around – then down with Mummy and collected up Mrs. Day and Snows and we went into shop and watched Marion Steer’s wedding – went to school with her, younger than me. Spent afternoon in garden resetting a stone border and dry wall where it had collapsed. Read, played piano and listened to wireless in evening. Tuesday 3rd Up about 9.30 after reading a bit, and then went down to coffee with Mummy. Collected Mrs. Day and the Snows. Wrote to the Warwick’s. Again. Committee to ask if we could go camping next August near Stratford so we can go in for the plays. Did a bit of gardening in afternoon and then all went to De Greys and pictures. Quite amusing ones. Read. Wednesday 4th Miss Haynes couldn’t get back, so I had to go down and help Mummy all morning. She brought me a coffee in. Georgie came in and sold me some tickets for plays on Friday – the same as they had last year, Youth Club etc. Washed drawing room china in afternoon and after tea took little Picksie down to vet – says his paw is much better thought still a lump – but may never quite go down. Mummy carried him up Julian Road in her arms because he hates the basket, much to everyone’s admiration. Went to a lousy dance in De Greys with the Snows and Daphne. Peggy Newman was there, and we sat and compared it unfavourably with college ones. Letter from D seem better in nightmares than at that dance! Thursday 5th Down to coffee and stooged around shop all morning, all depressed. In afternoon had another drive, took Nana, and we went to see Websters – only for about half hour though – and even then, late back so scorched a bit and I fear rather put a wind-up Mrs. Went! Especially coming round Raven Corner. Then did some ironing, wrote to Lucy again, and Miss Collett came in – Mummy walked home with her. Friday 6th Went to Price’s to have hair done. Had coffee with Mummy, Daddy and Georgie before that and Hodge came in with her Oxford fellows. Two of them and all seemed bored stiff with nothing to do. Tried to make a start on notes for an essay in afternoon – but went to sleep. Then down with Nana and we had tea at De Greys with Mummy. Mrs. Scriven showed us their little Siamese cat – a darling, people ask if he is a puppy. Then to see the plays in town hall, done by various youth organisations of the town – not as good as last year – though one quite outstanding one by the A.T.C (Air Training Core). Saturday 7th Up about 9. Down to coffee and called Mrs. Day. Were going to see Bishop Sana, but met him coming up street, so will introduce ourselves another day. Went to daffodil field with Snows in afternoon – wonderful as usual – will make an annual pilgrimage here, even if we leave Ludlow. Turned out quite a nice day – fruit trees wonderful in sunshine. Back to tea with Nana at De Greys – and then to pictures with her – not bad, some very good dancing and skating. A bath and then supper and read in bed. Dr. Abraham’s wife dead – terrible, lots of people dying here in the last few days. Sunday 8th Up about 9. Gardened all morning - but didn't seem to get very far. Then went walk over hill with Snows in afternoon - very hot so sat quite a lot of the time - quite good enough for sunbathing. Went to church in evening with Nana and wore new black coat. Very good sermon on life after death. Miss Roberts and Days in for a while when we returned. Read and supper in bed. Days going to see Lucy on Thursday. Mummy got bad throat. Monday 9th Letter from Christine Mummy staying in bed today so have to go down to shop. quite a busy day - morning decidedly unsuccessful - but managed to sell more in afternoon. Tried to phone up a traveller in Birmingham for Mummy - but after various attempts to amuse themselves – during which time I got through to Davenport’s Brewery! The telephonist said he wasn’t there! I saw red. Had coffee with Daddy and the Snows. Janet back after a wonderful week at an NUS (National Union of Students) conference. Wrote to D and C in evening. Read. Went to sleep over book! Tuesday 10th Spent morning doing part of an essay – thought it out and made most of notes, so will only have another book to read and have to write it out when I get back. In afternoon did some gardening – weather wonderfully improved. Rosemary and Auntie Madeleine came here for a week. Nana out having her hair done so entertained them, mostly by getting them help me garden – alone. Mummy down to shop today but home early. Then went over hill with Rosemary and Snows, also Janet. Read and played piano a bit.